Albany, New York
Albany, New York
The three stone opening looks very rugged. If anything got damaged, it would be the bread peel, not the oven opening. Probably the base should have been wider because the oven gives the appearance that it might topple.
Humphrey, New York

Humphrey, New York
An oven made with mud, top to bottom is more difficult to cover than an oven with just a mud dome. There is simply more to cover to protect from the elements.
I like the way the chimney is integrated with the rest of the oven.
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I would like to know more about the oven in Humphrey, New York. The web page you link to isn't there any more. I would like to add any community ovens you know to my own community oven links page: http://spbc.info/quest/community_links.html
Yes, it seems to have evaporated. I think there are only a few community bread ovens. Certainly there used to be many in Europe.
Check the link I left and you will see more than a few community bread ovens. I've identified many all over the world.
I stand corrected. It's encouraging to see so many community ovens. Thanks for all the work you've done.
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