Not wanting to do another earth oven this time, I thought I'd try using brick, incorporating a baking shelf in the oven to see what it would be like baking with the fire under the shelf. The oven sits on an insulated pedestal (a stump), while the oven itself is made from 36 standard clay bricks with some angle iron. The outside of the oven as well as the base is insulated with sawdust and Portland cement. Finally, the oven is stuccoed with surface bonding cement. With this arrangement, I'm hoping the inside of the oven stays dry, but it shouldn't really matter because there's no clay to get wet.
First pizza

Oven door

Side view of oven door constructed with plywood and an aluminum turkey roaster that was filled with insulation.

First loaf of bread about to come out of oven
After baking with the new oven for awhile, I'll report back to give my impressions of this baking arrangement.