Monday, October 25, 2010

The Dry Stack Brick Oven

 Dave S. Cargo (Escargo) demonstrates the dry stack brick oven technique. Though weighty and somewhat cumbersome, these ovens can be assembled with few prior skills. The only dry stacked brick oven I've built had angle irons supporting the top so maybe it wasn't a true dry stacked brick oven, but nevertheless, works splendidly. Soon I hope to construct an oven like the ones seen below.

 The Dry Stack Brick Oven.


Unknown said...

Interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you.

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Nohemi Tutterrow said...

That was easy! =) Oh, I remember my uncle used the same thing! He used to have a brick oven, and whenever we use it, he always reminds us to only use dry wood in order to avoid damaging his baby brick oven. :D

Anonymous said...

Nice work :) but How many brick I need to build This ovent ?

Gold On Runescape said...

I keep in mind my dad used the same thing! He used to have a stone stove, and whenever we use it, he always informs us to only use dry timber to prevent destructive his child stone stove.FFXIV Gil For Sale
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